Thorne and district Local History Association
Occasional paper No 12
In a recent paper (1) an account was presented of the life and work of William Casson of Thorne. This includes information on the establishment of 'Casson's Garden' on the edge of Thorne Moors, which was subsequently developed into a commercial horticultural enterprise by William and his brother John Calvert Casson. In the paper, details are given of this latter venture, which included the publication of a horticultural stock list in 1872 (2). To augment the details recently published, and to preserve otherwise unobtainable data which have a relevance in and beyond Thorne, this issue of the Thorne Local History Society's Occasional Papers presents the verbatim text of that stock list. All original details and spellings, except diphthongs, are retained. The List's front cover is here reproduced, the ensuing original title-page being identical except that it lacks the ornate border (3). On turning the page, the reader is presented with a hand-coloured engraving of Lawson Cypress Chamaecyparis lawsoniana c. v. Erecta Viridis, entitled 'Cupressus Lawsoniana Erectus Veridis.-See page 13.' Overleaf, the list of available plants is commenced. This occupies 14 pages, with the pamphlet concluded on its back cover with an elaborate engraving advertising 'Goulding's Flower & Plant Food', the names 'W. & I.C. CASSON' printed in a space towards the base of the design. This outer cover is yellow, and encompasses 16 printed pages in total.
The whole publication was produced by Joseph Mason, whose premises were in the Market Place, Thorne. He succeeded S. Whaley, the printer and publisher of the first (1829) edition of William Casson's The History and Antiquities of Thorne. Mason also published both an address by Casson for the Thorne Literary and Scientific Association in 1842 (4), and the later editions (1869, 1874) of Casson's History of Thorne.
1 M. Limbert (1991) William Casson of Thorne. Naturalist 116: 3-15
2 Copies of the List which were issued in (at least) 1874 had an extra sheet tipped in, and this is transcribed separately here, at the close of the main stock listing.
3 This border had just been used by the printer, Joseph Mason, on the title-page of the 1869 edition of William Casson's The History and Antiquities of Thorne.
4 Limbert (1991) op. cit.
Aclandianum, blush, spotted with chocolate, very distinct.
Alarm, centre white, each petal edged with crimson, trusses fine and compact; it is a perfectly distinct and beautiful kind, and very desirable. (Raised by WATERER and GODFREY.)
Album Elegans, blush, changing to white, very showy. (WATERER and GODFREY.)
Alma, bright rosy lilac, with superb rusty red spots, shaded with pale green, handsome foliage and habit. (BAKER.)
Alexander Dancer, clear rose, deeper margin, magnificent truss.
Alta Clarense.
Atrosanguineum, intense blood red, fine foliage, one of the hardiest. (WATERER and GODFREY.)
Atrococcineum, rose, with white spots, (JOHN WATERER.)
Aurora, bright rose, with crimson spots. (NOBLE.)
Ange Vervoet, bright rose, large spot expanded over the petals. (VAN HOUTTE.)
Archimedes, rosy crimson, lighter centre, one of the very best. (WATERER and GODFREY.)
Attila, bright amaranth, blotched, large truss.
Appollon Caucasicum Grandiflorum.
Auguste Van Greet.
Aucubaefolium, broad convex foliage of a fine green, with very distinct yellow spots, an exceedingly handsome variety, the foliage being much finer than the best Aucubas. (VAN HOUTTE.)
Auguste Pracht.
Azeloid, small leaf and dwarf plants.
Azureum, a distinct and beautiful sort.
Amlicae, a distinct and beautiful sort.
Beauty of Surrey, rose, upper petals perfectly spotted.
Beranger. (NOBLE.)
Barclayanum, deep rosy crimson, a fine late blooming kind, of good habit, one of the very best. (Waterer and Godfrey.)
Broughtoni, rosy crimson, fine large truss, handsome foliage, but rather tender.
Bouquet de Flore, one of the real Catawbiense, large trusses of fine shaped rose flowers, fine spot. (STANDISH.)
Black-Eyed Susan, purplish lilac, with very black spot.
Barron de Serret.
Blandyanum, rosy crimson, good truss and habit; a general favourite. (STANDISH.)
Bylsianum, white ground, margined with deep pink; distinct and very beautiful. (BYLS.)
Blatteum, dull shaded carmine or plum colour, flaked with lilac, fine spot.
Brayanum, light centre, rosy scarlet edge, good foliage, one of the most beautiful.
Betsy Trotwood, large and finely formed flowers, with crisped petals of rosy lilac, marked white edge with carmine, extra fine truss. (STANDISH.)
Cinnabarinum, umbels of long orange salmon tubular flowers.
Charles Dickens, dark scarlet, fine habit and foliage, a first-class hardy kind.
(W. & G.)
Charles Bagley, cherry red, fine truss and habit, very hardy and free flowering, spot copper colour. (W. & G.)
Caractacus, rich purplish crimson, splendid truss, foliage and habit. (W. & G.)
Cruentum, rich lake, the finest of its colour.
Currieanum (Maculatum Grandiflorum), spotted rosy lilac, large flower and truss, excellent.
Chancellor (Maculatum Purpureum), purplish lilac, much spotted.
Concessum, clear pink, lighter centre, none more beautiful.
Coriaceum, pure white, of a dwarf free blooming habit.
Congestum Roseum, light rose, spotted.
Cynthia. (NOBLE.)
Cunningham Splendidum, fine blush, free bloomer, early flowering, in great request.
Cunningham cinnamonum, tender.
Californicum, delicate pink, spotted with deep rose. (VEITCH.)
Candidissimum, white, edged with tender rose, broad yellow spot, very striking. (NOBLE.)
Candidum, white, with blush reflection, yellow spot. (Waterer.)
Comte de Gomer, hardy, fine trusses of white flowers, edged with carmine, very striking. (Verschaffelt.)
Candollei. (Byls.)
Columbus, spotted rosy purple.
Countess of Wilton.
Calliope caucasicum.
Clio caucasicum. Newly imported.
Duc de Brabent, yellowish white, spotted red, semi-double magnificent trusses.
Dauricum, flowers in January; fragrant, and when cut will keep a fortnight in water; flowers size of a primrose, and mauve coloured.
Duc Adolphe de Nassau, hardy, very fine compact trusses of flowers, lilac, tinted with carmine, black spot; flowers exceedingly curious, both as regards form and colour. (Verschaffelt.)
Duc Alexandre de Wurtemberg. (Rinz.)
Dark Purples. (Lees.)
Elfrida, rose, deeply and distinctly spotted, very striking.
Everestianum, rosy lilac, spotted and fringed, an excellent free blooming sort, of good habit.
Entendard de Flandre, true trusses of flowers of the finest form, colour deep lilac, spotted with black. (Van Houtte.)
Entendard, rose, bright satiny rose, superbly spotted, flowers extra large.
Evelyn, fine trusses of pure white flowers, handsome foliage. (Noble)
Emilie. (Byls.)
Exquisite, deep rose, maroon spots, truss nine inches in diameter.
Empereur du Mexique, rose, all the petals minutely spotted. (L. Desmet.)
Empereur Francois Joseph II, very brightly poppy colour, striking. (Rinz.)
Erata caucasicum.
Euterpe caucasicum.
Francis Dickson, most brilliant scarlet, fine trusses, a first-class blooming Rhododendron. (W. & G.)
Fortunei, (Glendinning.)
Fastuosum Flore Pleno, lilac, an immense truss of double flowers, remaining long in bloom; should be in every collection.
Fleur de Marie, rosy crimson, lighter centre, distinct and good.
Fleur de Flandre, trusses of bright rosy lilac flowers, with immense golden spot and green dottings, quite a new class of Rhododendrons; the flowers are exceedingly stout and well formed. (Van Houtte.)
Gloire de Bellevue, immense trusses of large flowers, of clear carmine, magnificent broad black spot shaded with saffron, all the petals covered with minute spots.
Gevaert. (Byls.)
Georgiana, light pink, very pretty and distinct.
Giganteum, bright rose, large truss and good foliage.
General Canrobert. (John Waterer.)
Gretry, rose with white reflection, large white spot, fine formed truss. (Byls.)
Gold Striped.
H. H. Hunnewell, very dark rich crimson, splendid truss, habit, and foliage. W. & G.)
H. W. Sargent, Crimson, enormous truss, fine Catawbiense habit; and altogether, a magnificent hardy Rhododendron. (W. & G.)
Hogarth, rosy scarlet, late and fine.
Hortense, crimson, flaked with white; very effective. (Byls.)
Hirsitum, dwarf, small leaved, flowers crimson; late and very pretty.
Hyacinthiflorum, purplish red; very double.
Iago, pale rose, spotted, very large flower. (Noble.)
Incomparable. (Rollinson.)
John Waterer, fine free blooming dark crimson kind; one of the best flowerers, good foliage. (J. W.)
John Spencer, rose, margined deep pink, splendid truss; the best late blooming kind we have seen. (W. & G.)
James Bateman, clear rosy scarlet; the most perfect shape and habit.
Ida, very dark lilac, with carmine tint, spot pretty.
Johann Stern, white, bordered with clear lilac, spotted with deep crimson, flowers change to pure white; very hardy.
Joseph Whitworth, rich lake, dark spots.
Imperartice Eugenie, large flower of deep purple, with broad spot; very striking. (Dauvesse.)
Jean Verschaffelt, cerise, shaded carmine, all the petals richly spotted with black. (J. W.)
Jupiter caucasicum. Newly imported.
Lady Clermont, rosy scarlet, blotched with black, fine shape, good habit; far in advance of anything in its way. (W. & G.)
Lady Armstrong, pale rose, very much spotted, distinct and beautiful. (W. & G.)
Lord John Russell, pale rose, intensely spotted, good habit and distinct.
(W. & G.)
Lady Francis Crossley, rosy pink or salmon, very distinct and beautiful.
Lady Eleanor Cathcart, pale rose, spotted with chocolate, distinct and pretty.
Lucidum, purplish lilac, with brown spots, an excellent free blooming kind.
Leopard, very fine clear lilac, relieved with splendid spots on the upper petals; distinct from other varieties.
Lindleyanum, (Waterer.)
Lord Clyde, deep blood colour; tender.
Limbatum, beautiful truss of delicate rose, with broad band of the finest carmine; extra fine, early, and tender.
Lowi, white, distinctly spotted; good.
Lois Van Houtte.
Mrs. Milner, rich crimson, splendid habit and leaf; altogether a first-rate kind. (W. & G.)
Mrs. G.H.W. Heneage, rosy purple, white centre and fringed. (W. & G.)
Mrs. William Bovill, rosy scarlet; one of the most attractive of Rhododendrons. (W. & G.)
Mrs. John Clutton, white, of the most exquisite shape; the most beautiful hardy white
Rhododendron in cultivation; it remains longer in bloom than any other variety. (W. & G.)
Mrs. R.S. Holford, rich salmon, quite new in Rhododendron; the truss is very large and beautiful. (W. & G.)
Magnum Bonum, very large rosy lilac, each petal spotted well over; distinct and good. (W. & G.)
Monte Blanc, a very nice dwarf free blooming white kind.
Maculatum Superbum, rosy lilac, intensely spotted black, large truss, very distinct and late; should be in every collection.
Mrs. John Waterer, bright rosy crimson; very fine. (J.W.)
Minnie, white, the edges of the petals tinted with carnation; after becoming fully expanded the flowers are quite white, except the broad yellow spot on the upper petals; dwarf and robust. (Standish.)
Myrtifolium, small dwarf, scarlet.
Magniflorium. (Rollinson.)
Milnii, fine large trusses of rosy crimson; good and distinct. (W. & G.)
Melete caucasicum grandiflorum.
Melpomine, ditto
Mneme, ditto
Mnemosyne, ditto
Mad. Lucas, dwarf habit and vigorous growth, flowers very dark in colour, crimson with chestnut tint, the edges of the petals slightly wavy, very hardy.
Nero, fine dark rosy purple, richly spotted fine trusses; and altogether one of the best; should be in every collection. (W. & G.)
Napoleon III.
Neplus ultra, purple, light centre, an excellent free blooming hardy kind.
Neige et cerise, very close and compact tresses of beautiful glossy silvery white flowers, edged with the richest carmine; foliage broad, convex, and very handsome. (Van Houtte.)
Onslowianum, delicate waxy blush, yellow eye, distinct very beautiful. (W. & G.)
Ophelia. (Noble.)
Ornatum. (Byls.)
President Victor Vanden Hecke, deep rich red, without broad jet black spot. (Vervaene.)
Prince Albert, rich lake, fine foliage; very distinct. (W. & G.)
Prince of Wales, rich rose pink, fine compact truss, foliage splendid.
Princess of Wales, magnificent truss of creamy white flowers, finely edged with violet; a variety of the very finest order.
Pictum or Lowii, white, distinctly spotted; good.
Ponticum Album, white, hardy Ponticum.
Purity, the finest of the whites; large trusses, exceedingly showy and effective, and greatly admired. (W. & G.)
Pardoloton Versicolor, white, shaded with lilac, and broadly edged with armaranth, spot reddish orange, producing a striking effect. (Van Houtte.)
Perryanum, light rose, nicely spotted; very pleasing.
Princess Hortense. (Noble.)
Prince Camille de Rohan, white, with broad deep brown spot, edges of the petals gracefully crisped.
Polymnie Caucasicum Grandiflorum.
Rosabel, pale rose, very distinct, fine foliage and habit.
Rubens, clear rose; very pretty. (W. & G.)
Rienzi, very fine deep amaranth, faintly blotched with black. (Noble.)
Roseum Elegans, an old and general favourite. (W. & G.)
Roseum Grandiflorum, deep rose, fine habit; late, and one of the best. (W. & G.)
Roseum Pictum, rose, yellow eye; very pretty and distinct. (W. & G.)
Roseum Superbum, light rose, large flowers and truss. (W. & G.)
Reedianum, bright cherry; very pretty.
Reine Marie Henriette. (Van Houtte.)
Reine Amelie, reddish purple, with intense black blotch. (Byls.)
Rosalie Robert, rosy carmine, with faint yellow spot, large and beautiful flower.
Reine des Belges. (Byls.)
Stamfordianum, form excellent, colour dull carmine, with lilac reflection; magnificent black blotch spreading in small spots over the lower petals; exceedingly hardy, and abundant bloomer.
Sandlefordianum, good bright rose. (John Waterer.)
Sir Thomas Sebright, rich purple, with distinct bronze blotch, remaining a long time in flower. (W. & G.)
Stella, pale rose with intense chocolate blotch on the upper petals, free bloomer; the best of this class of Rhododendrons. (W. & G.)
Satanella. (Noble.)
Standishi, rosy carmine, very faint spot.
Sir Charles Napier, rose, light centre, very prettily spotted; a very pleasing variety. (W. & G.)
Sir Walter Scott, delicate rose, very pretty spot; dwarf habit. (Standish.)
Soliel d'Austerlitz, very brilliant scarlet; fine. (Dauvesse.)
Sidney Herbert, shaded carmine, blotched. (J.W.)
Sapho, exceedingly delicate rosy carmine, with fringed petals, white and yellow blotch. (Noble.)
Silver Striped. The foliage always bright.
Surprise, large flat flowers of pale violet, broad black spot shaded with chocolate. (John Waterer.)
The Grand Arab, fiery cerise. (J. Waterer.)
The Warrior, rosy scarlet. (J. Waterer.)
Titian, clear rosy scarlet; one of the most beautiful Rhododendrons. (Waterer and Godfrey.)
Terpsichore Caucasicum Grandiflorum.
Thalie ditto
Uranie Caucasicum Grandiflorum. These are dwarf, broad, and very bushy plants, 1 to 3 feet; excellent for forcing, and of easy culture; they give an abundance of bloom, almost ever branch bears a cluster of fine flowers, which, before coming fully developed, are of a deep cherry colour, changing to a fine satiny rose, then to a tender rose, and finally to a delicate pink.
Varium, early, dwarfish habit; deep pink, changing paler, large flowers and very pretty; good for potting.
Victoria, claret; nice free blooming variety.
Verschaffelti, ground pale rosy lilac, fine dark purple spot, immense truss. (A. Verschaffelt.)
Versicolor Flore Pleno, semi-double, fine rosy lilac; very effective. (Moens.)
Vandyck, rosy crimson, late; one of the best. (W. & G.)
Vivid, bright rose, fine truss; very rich.
William Downing, rich dark puce, finely blotched; remaining a long time in bloom; very distinct. (W. & G.)
Wilsonianum, scarlet, small leaved; dwarf.
Zampa, lake, tinted with pale violet, fiery centre, brown blotch; very fine and effective, colour quite new. (Noble.)
The foregoing list is a selection of Plants from all the first-class growers in the country and on the continent, and of the very best kinds. They will be sent out well rooted, vigorous, and with splendid foliage. Price according to the size of the Plants and kind, varying from 1s. to 7s. 6d.
W. and J.C. CASSON have, in addition, a large Stock of Hybrid Rhododendrons, named, of their own raising, which can be recommended as fine Plants, with good foliage, and the flowers in bold trusses, of good colours, well marked or spotted. Price from 1s. to 3s.
They have also thousands of Seedlings, two or three times transplanted, in size from 12 to 18 inches and 2 feet; price from 30s. to 42s. per hundred. Likewise Seedlings from first-class named Flowers; price on application, according to quantity.
Any Gentleman wanting a large lot of strong, bushy Plants for cover, W. and J.C.C. could make a special offer. They would be delivered into trucks at Thorne Station, with plenty of peat at the root to ensure their growing.
W. and J.C.C. have had the satisfaction of receiving testimonials of approval from gentlemen of the plants sent out this season, and they hope to continue to merit such from all who may favour them with orders.
Andromedas are low shrubs, mostly evergreens; they are well adapted for mixing in groups of American plants.
Andromeda Floribunda, is unquestionably one of the prettiest of the really hardy kind; it is of dwarf compact habit, commencing to bloom about Christmas, and continuing for some months; covered with spikes of small white flowers.
Andromeda Pulverulenta, is deciduous, the leaf of mealy white, and the large white globular flowers are very handsome.
Andromeda Polyfolia, a small trailing shrub, bearing very pretty pinkish wax-like flowers.
Azalia, is one of the hardy flowering shrubs that affords a very great variety of almost every shade of pink, yellow, orange, red, and scarlet; they generally flower in great profusion, sometimes appearing one mass of bloom; many are deliciously scented, and they will flourish wherever Rhododendrons are grown.
Azalia amaena, delicate rose, with rich buff spot.
Azalia Van Houtte, is conspicuous for the remarkable elegance of its flowers, which are double, and of unusually large size; of a bright salmon colour, relieved by a beautiful golden yellow spot.
Azalia, Taylor's Red, very effective and fragrant nosegay.
Azalia Nosegay.
Azalia Plumosa.
Azalia Bouquet de Flore, extra very large cherry coloured flowers, with golden yellow spots, and pure white stripes; a very showy and good variety.
Azaliua White.
Azalia Mollis, a new hardy Japan tribe, quite novel and beautiful, foliage large, flowers large and first-rate, the tints red, white, yellow, primrose and flesh coloured.
Azalia Hybrida.
Azalia Rara.
Aucuba Japan Laurel. These are fine hardy vigorous shrubs, of dense compact growth, and ranked amongst the best of evergreens for town or country; the spotted leaved have been long known, but the green leaved and pollen bearing are a recent introduction.
Aucuba Japonica albovarigato, very robust variety. spots turning white in winter. (Standish.)
Aucuba Japonica luteo-carpa, yellow berries and fine green foliage, thinly spotted. (Williams.)
Aucuba Japonica aurora, a large thick-leaved variety, the young shoots are often beautifully golden.
Aucuba Himalaica Macrophylla, fine foliage; berries very large and pear-shaped.
Aucuba Japonica, long broad lancolate-toothed green leaves; a very free grower. (Standish.)
Aucuba Japonica Maculata, the old spotted variety.
Aucuba Japonica Bicolor, green, with large golden centre; very handsome.
Aucuba Japonica Pygmaea, the true male form of Japonica vera; green leaves.
Araucaria Imbricata, evergreen trees of majestic aspect, attaining to a great height in their native forests.
Amygdalopsis, a beautiful shrub, bearing clear satiny rose flowers, of the size of a crown piece, exceedingly delicate; it is one of Mr. Robert Fortune's introductions from China, and as hardy as an oak.
Berberis, beautiful evergreen shrubs, generally free flowering in habit, and all of interesting foliage; they bear fruit so abundantly that they form good plants for game covers.
Berberis Mahonia aquifolium, with glossy primate leaves, yellow blossoms, and purple fruits, all exceedingly ornamental.
Berberis Darwinii, a hardy evergreen, with neat shining dark green foliage, covered in spring with deep orange flowers, succeeded by a profusion of purple berries.
Berberis Stenophilla, hardy, narrow leaved, bearing abundance of orange coloured flowers.
Berberis Vulgaris, of fuchsia like appearance, when loaded in Autumn with drooping racemes of brilliant scarlet fruit.
Bryanthus Erectus, small bushy plants covered with elegant Kalmia-like flowers.
Cotoneaster, a beautiful and perfectly hardy evergreen, clothed with small dense glossy leaves, and bright scarlet berries; excellent for walls or rockwork.
Cedrus Deodara or Indian Cedar, is graceful and fountain-like in aspect in all stages of its growth; it is a universal favourite.
Cupressus Macrocarpa Lambertina, one of the finest Cypresses introduced, and remarkable for its large size and rapid growth; it is of a beautiful green colour.
Cupresses Lawsoniana, is one of the hardiest evergreens.
Cupresses Lawsoniana argentea, a very distinct and beautiful variety, of silvery glaucous hue of foliage; it is of graceful habit and the growers were awarded three first-class certificates for it at the Royal Horticultural, the Royal Botanic Garden, and Crystal Palace.
Cupresses Gracilis, remarkable for the elegance of its delicate foliage.
Cupresses Lawsoniana Erectus Veridis, of which we give a representation; it obtained a first-class certificate at the Royal Horticultural Society's Meeting, February 16, 1870, as the finest hardy evergreen ever brought under notice. The Gardeners Chronicle remarks, 'It is one of the finest, aye, one of the very finest hardy Coniforous evergreens which has been introduced into our gardens'. Its narrow erect, slightly pyramidal, almost colundnar mode of growth is quite unapproached for symmetry and beauty by any other plant we know, while the slender ramifications of its close compact branches and branchlets give it a degree of refinement which is not seen in any other variety of this grand hardy species. Price: 1 and a half feet, 3s. 6d.; 2 feet, 10s. 6d. (Raised by A. Waterer.)
Cratagus Pyracanthus. This is called the Fiery Thorn, on account of its brilliant orange red berries;it is a hardy evergreen principally used for covering walls. The fruit remain all winter.
Cratagus Punicea Flore Pleno Novo, the New Double Crimson Thorn, a sprout from the double pink variety, is a most valuable acquisition. It forms a fine ornamental tree, and it flowers well in pots under glass when gently forced. Standards, 20s. each; Pyramid Large, 10s. 6d.
Deutzia Gracilis, shrubs of remarkably neat habit; they become nearly covered with its pure white blossom.
Deutzia Spectablis, bearing white racemes of flowers like orange blossoms.
Eugenia apiculata, evergreen shrubs, belonging to the Myrtle family.
Euonymous (Spindle Tree) radicans variegatus, a small creeping shrub, perfectly hardy, having the leaves freely variegated with white, and clings to a wall like ivy.
Eunonymus japonicus latifolius aureo variegatus. These are very useful free growing shrubs, with yellowish variations, and strikingly handsome.
Garrya elliptica, handsome evergreens, bearing a profusion of graceful catkins often eight or ten inches long, and are produced in winter.
Gale, sweet, candleberry myrtle, deciduous shrubs, aromatic leaves.
Gynerium, Pampass Grass, very effective for lawns.
Ilex or hollies, are handsome ornamental shrubs in all their varieties.
Holly scotica, recommended as being the most useful and beautiful hard evergreen in cultivation.
Holly waterers, The Queen; in golden and silver foliage are amongst the choicest plants for the winter garden.
Holly, the Silver Hedgehog.
Holly laurifolia.
Holly, yellow berried.
Holly, Hodgkins.
Holly uotuosa.
Holly, silver striped.
Juniper chinensis, a beautiful evergreen of free growth and pyramidal habit, and of bright green colour. The pollin bearing or male plants are very attractive when in flower from the masses of yellow stamens.
Juniper Irish, a shrub of pyramidal growth, with blueish green foliage, and remarkably elegant.
Kalmia latifolia, the mountain laurel of America, are very pretty evergreens, bearing a profusion of singular salver-shaped flowers, strikingly handsome.
Kalmia rubra, of upright growth, bearing dullish red flowers, with which it is almost covered, and continuing in bloom a long time.
Leedum palustre, useful dwarf growing plants, evergreen, having a rusty covering on the lower side of the leaves, giving out a strong aromatic scent when bruised.
Leedum Lalifolium.
Leedum buxifolium, are shining bushes, low, and of particularly neat growth.
Magnolia glauca, sub-evergreen low trees, bearing very white flowers of moderate size.
Magnolia grandifloria, make noble wall plants in sheltered situations.
Magnolia ferruginea, an evergreen with large shining leaves, and magnificent white lemon scented flowers.
Magnolia purpura, having the flowers purplish outside the base; in the north they require the protection of a wall.
Meuzesia globularis, a diminutive heath-like shrub of great rarity.
Pernettya, neat, dwarf, hardy evergreen shrubs, with white flowers in autumn, and frequently covered with pink berries; very beautiful, and worth extended cultivation.
Pernettya macronata.
Pernettya augustifolia.
Pernettya floribunda.
Pica noblis.
Pica nordmanniana.
Rhoda canadenis.
Rhodora canadensis.
Ribes sanguinea, and other sorts.
Raphiolepis, a fine evergreen shrub from Japan, something like the Rhododendron; the thick shining leaves being surmounted on every shoot by a spike of large white flowers.
Retinsopora, evergreen Japanese shrubs of great beauty; some of them in their native habits acquire the statute of trees.
Retinsopora ericoides, a small pyramidal glaucous shrub, turning purple in winter.
Skimmia Japonica, a splendid plant for winter bedding, on account of the brilliant colour of its abundant berries; it is very dwarf, and grows best in a shady situation.
Skimmia oblata, of freer growth than the above, and with brilliant scarlet berries of oblong form; new Japanese.
Thuja aurea, a beautiful dwarf-growing dense shrub; growing rather of a globular shape, and in the spring the young growth puts on a beautiful golden hue. (W. & G.)
Thuja gigantean, arbor vitae.
Thujopsis borealis, grows erect, and is of pyramidal outline.
Vinca perywinke, double and single; blue and purple.
Wellingtonia gigantea, the big mammoth tree of the Americans, one of the most remarkable evergreens yet produced. Some fine specimens 7 and 8 feet high, feathered to the ground, and lately transplanted.
Yucca, Adam's needle, hardy evergreens; some stemless, others with stout woody stems, and all remarkable for their sword-shaped leaves, and tall pyramidal panicles of tulip-shaped flowers.
Yucca filamentosa, a stemless variety; the margins of the leaves bearing thread.
Yucca gloriosa, a noble plant, often forming a palm-like stem, with several crowns; younger single-crown plants are very symmetrical in growth; they are fine lawn plants.
Ericas, a great variety of the hardy sorts.
W. and J.C.C. have three or four specimen Plants of RHODODENDRONS growing on their ground near the Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Railway Station, a little to the south below the embankment. They are generally conspicuously in flower at the end of May, or the beginning of June.
Prices are not appended to the Plants, as much depends on the size, but they are offered according to the London lists, and subject to their still being in stock.
W. & J. C. CASSON,
In handing their List of Rhododendrons and American Plants, wish to call the attention of their customers and friends to an addition that they have lately made to their stock of Shrubs; and having taken off the M. S. and L. Railway Company, on the south-west side of their Station, at Thorne, a small delph, which they have partly filled up with peat from the Moors, and planted this year with RODODENDRONS, AUCUBIAS, and SKIMMIA OBLATA, some of them six feet high, and in good foliage and full of flower buds, they hope by being in a planting near the Station, their friends may have an opportunity of seeing them in full bloom, our nursery being at a distance from the town. We have little doubt but the Plants will show well with flowers at the latter end of May, in pure white, bright scarlet, crimson, maroon, and other colours, although being only planted out at the beginning of 1874.
A great addition, some of them rare and new Plants, have been added to the collection on the Moors, which W. and J. C. C. will be glad to show to their friends.
See W. and J. C. C.'s advertisement in the 'Gardener's Year Book' for 1874.
Published by Thorne Local History Society
Supported by Thorne Moorends Regeneration Partnership
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