I have enjoyed reading the contents of your site.

I left my home in Scarborough on 3 August 1958 to commence my career as Police Cadet at Thorne Police Station. I was allocated lodgings with Mr and Mrs WALTER Edge at 10 Wilkinson Avenue, Moorends. I remember Mrs Creaser well. She lived about four doors away. That was the mother of Valerie Creaser. Other people in the street were Mr and Mrs Harry Dunn and Patsy, Mr and Mrs (forgotten )and their daughters Marjorie and Linda. Mr and Mrs Bell.

I have written my memories of being a Cadet at Thorne if you are interested.

Admin reply: Thanks Richard, a page has been made with the information you provided.

Added: November 12, 2014
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Great to see this site. I was a pupil at West Road Infants and then at Thorne Grammar. I subsequently went to University in London and have enjoyed a career as a university teacher. Now retired. My mother was a also a teacher at West Road. I have some pics of staff at west road from 1950's that I can upload to this site if anyone is interested.
I have just sent a load of very old pictures of Thorne and family pictures of the Rawson family ( old Mr Rawson was the chemist in King Street) to Richard Walker, Funeral Director. Someone out there may want to look through them!

Added: October 7, 2014
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I still live in the area, new site very interesting brings back many memories

Added: August 30, 2014
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My ancestors were Bramham, Cooper and Darley...Bramhams were on the canals. William Cooper was originally from Nottinghamshire but was master blacksmith. His wife was from Fishlake.
According to one cemsus John Bramham was servant in Southend House which I tink was lock

Added: August 29, 2014
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loved looking at some of the old photos,brought back some memories,thorne was a great place to grow up,i had a few good nights in the white heart hotel as a teenager,the mines were a big part of my life ,went down thorne pit in about 1982 had to do some safety work their as I worked at hatfield main,caught the train many a time at thorne north to Doncaster,and the old field side school was my old primary school,then wyke gate road school,then thorne grammer ,so all the photos on here so far were quite relevant,thanks for the memories :o KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK IM SURE THEIR ARE A LOT OF OLD THORNE PEOPLE OUT THEIR THAT WILL ENJOY THIS SITE

Added: June 22, 2014
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Great that we are going to have all the local history in one place. :!cool:

Added: February 25, 2014
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