Submitted by Name: John Andrew Benson From: East Sussex E-mail: Contact
Comments: I've long been told by my father, and grandfather that a long time back our family held the title 'the earl of thorne' I would love to be able to verify/validate this. I have quite a detailed (if rather faded) family tree the was previously researched, and goes back to around the 1500's. I wonder if anyone would be interested to look into this and perhaps view my family tree?
Added: July 19, 2022
Submitted by Name: andrea h From: thorne E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hi, im wanting to know the date Thorne Fire Station was built or when it was formed
Added: June 30, 2022
Submitted by Name: TREVOR SMALLWOOD From: Knowle Solihull E-mail: Contact
Comments: I am trying to contact Valerie Allass. I don't even know if she is still alive. I would be very grateful for any information anyone can give me. My name may probably mean something to her.
Added: February 8, 2022
Submitted by Name: Geraldine Norman From: Nr Skipton E-mail: Contact
Comments: My father's family were pit sinkers and lived in the pit sinkers' huts at Moorends around 1910. In fact my great grandma and grandma lived next to each other. Does anyone know of any photos of the huts or exactly were they used to be? Any information about these workers and their living conditions would be very helpful indeed.
Added: January 27, 2022
Submitted by Name: Patricia Spink From: SCUNTHORPE E-mail: Contact
Comments: I have two books, one has the name M.CRAMPTON Thorne Parish Church Girls Sunday school 5th class 7th prize Feb 22nd 1910.Signed JJ LITTLEWOOD vicar. The other is a bible with the name MARGARET NUTT in the front.She was my neighbour. If anyone is interested in these I would be willing to let them go to a family member.
Added: January 25, 2022
Submitted by Name: Joyce Walker From: Born in Pickering E-mail: Contact
Comments: I now live in Bulgaria and have a question regarding No 59 South End, Thorne. I would like to know if this has always been a private property or if it was, in the early part of the 20th century, a nursing home or similar. My biological father was born at that address in November 1918. His mother (my grandmother) was from a reasonably poor background and it seems unlikely, from the photo I've seen of the house in South End, that this would have been her family home. I can find no further information of my grandmother after November 1918. I would be most grateful for any information your society members may have.
Added: January 17, 2022
Submitted by Name: Peter Marshall-Glew From: Victoria BC Canada E-mail: Contact
Comments: I have traced my Paternal great great grandfather John Glew to this area. He was born in Wroot in 1816 and his occupation is listed as boot and shoe maker. I have found reference to other Glews in census records and I guess Thorne was where the records were kept. Is there a website for Thorne parish records around the turn of the 18th Century? Many thanks PeterABCDE
Added: December 4, 2021
Submitted by Name: Ian Corfield From: Carsington, Derbyshire E-mail: Contact
Comments: My steamroller, Aveling and Porter No 2031, Reg ME 3918 of 1884, attended the 1978 Thorne Show whilst in the ownership of Jack Lyon of Hatfield Woodhouse. Whilst I appreciate this is a bit of a long shot I was wondering whether anybody had any photographs of the engine at the show in their photo collections?
Added: November 15, 2021
Submitted by Name: Amanda Morgan From: Leicester E-mail: Contact
Comments: Is there any information/Photo's about Majestic Motors in Thorne? I have a photo(abt 1950)of my mother in law in front of a Majestic motors coach with her cousin Frank Richardson, he ran the business and drove the coaches late 1930's until his death in 1968. Both he and his wife Lucy are buried in Thorne. Maybe there are relatives still in Thorne? Frank and Lucy had two sons Basil & Bernard.
Added: July 22, 2021
Submitted by Name: Martin Marley From: Doncaster E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hi Most of my predecessors are from Thorne. I am now the last of my generation. I have old books and pictures of Thorne. Would it be o.k. to bring them to a meeting. Maybe you will be able to store them I have not got space and they are meaningless to my descendants. I don’t want to destroy them. Many thanks Martin
Name: John Andrew Benson
From: East Sussex
E-mail: Contact
I've long been told by my father, and grandfather that a long time back our family held the title 'the earl of thorne'
I would love to be able to verify/validate this.
I have quite a detailed (if rather faded) family tree the was previously researched, and goes back to around the 1500's.
I wonder if anyone would be interested to look into this and perhaps view my family tree?