When Thorne townsfolk were planning their celebrations for the Coronation
Day of
King George V and Queen Mary, several committee members expressed a desire
a permanent Memorial of the event.
One of the town's most prominent citizens came up with
the perfect answer
at noon on Coronation Day, 22nd July 1911.
At 12.15 on the 22nd a little company assembled in the Town Hall the raison d'etre was the presentation by Mr. J. Chester Coulman, J.P., of Bradholme of the deeds of the land, over eight acres in extent, not far from the Parish Church, which he offered to the inhabitants for recreative purposes on one condition only, viz: - that £100 shall be spent in one way or another in laying it out.
Mr. J. Servant, as chairman of the Coronation Committee, explained briefly the circumstances and the inability of the Parish Council at the moment formally accept the deeds.
Mr. Coulman remarked on his desire to do something for the town in commemoration of the Coronation, and, knowing that a number of people wished to have a Recreation Ground, he had much pleasure in offering a field for that purpose. If, when the ratepayers were consulted, he continued, they declined, by a two-thirds majority, to have a Recreation Ground; he would receive the deeds back again and use the land for some other purpose.
The chairman took the deeds and said he would hold them tentatively till the mind of the people was clear. In moving that a hearty vote of thanks be given to the donor, Mr. Kenyon remarked that he thought for a time the land might be made self-supporting by letting it for grazing purposes, and if this were done by the Parish Council a rate would be unnecessary. In any event everyone must recognise the indebtedness of the parish to Mr. Coulman for his very generous offer. Mr. C. Haycroft, in seconding, heartily thanked Mr. Coulman, and said the Coronation Committee had welcomed the offer without dissent. Mr. he T.R.R. Marsdin, in supporting, expressed the view that the parish would not object if the rate of ½d. in the £, as mentioned by the Chairman, became desirable
John Chester Coulman, J.P., of Bradholme, Thorne; son of Richard Coulman, was born on February 2nd 1852. Educated at Thorne Grammar School, and Doncaster. Landowner and farmer he became a member of Thorne Urban District Council; Chairman of the Governors of Thorne Grammar School; a Governor of the Travis Endowed School; Vice-President of Thorne Unionist Association; Senior Vice-President of Thorne Agricultural Society: breeder of shire horses including "King Charming", a champion shire horse. Justice of the Peace for Thorne and Doncaster District of the West Riding he married Jessie, daughter of the late John Borman Milman of The Levels, Thorne, truly a man of standing.
Thanks to Glyn Ambrose for permission to use this information.
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